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Equity Review | July 27, 2024

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Aviva | Equity Review

Equity Release Supermarket Case Review

April 6, 2016 |

This is my second bite at equity release as I’ve received an email from Equity Release Supermarket to say that plans are now more flexible & interest rates have fallen since I took out my lifetime mortgage.

Mark Rumney helped … Read More

The Lowest Aviva Equity Release Rates from Equity Release Supermarket

April 25, 2014 |

On the 1st July 2013, Aviva, the biggest provider of equity release schemes in the market, will be permanently closing down its direct sales option. Aviva were the last of the big lenders to provide a direct offering service, but … Read More

Enhanced Equity Release Schemes

February 28, 2014 |

Enhanced Equity Release Schemes, also referred to as Enhanced Lifetime Mortgage Schemes are financial schemes that favour you when you are in poor or ill health. People whose medical expenses bite their pocket take loans for their medical care. They … Read More

Using Equity Release Calculators to Determine Maximum Equity Release

November 21, 2013 |

When people are considering equity release, the primary concern for most people is how to ensure that they obtain the maximum amount of release possible from their home. The majority of people obtaining equity release schemes are doing so to … Read More